The Trainer #154: EVAP system leak diagnosis using a pressure transducer
For decades now, technicians across the globe have struggled to efficiently pinpoint pesky and minute EVAP system leaks. In earlier days, when emissions standards were not as stringent, ECMs/PCMs were only obligated to detect EVAP system leaks of 0.020” in diameter. With that, a smoke machine was a common and capable tool to locate leaks of that size.
However, as time passed and emissions standards grew more stringent, the leaks ECMs/PCMs had to detect from the EVAP systems grew smaller. By today’s standards, a leak no larger than 0.010” in diameter is what ECMs/PCMs must accurately detect. They do so by employing a detection strategy known as Engine-Off Natural Vacuum Leak Detection. This strategy capitalizes on physics. More notably, Boyle’s Ideal Gas Law. The law states that a sealed system should begin to pressurize as the temperature begins to increase (pressures above atmospheric) and the same sealed system should draw into a vacuum as the system cools down.
So, why is smoke no longer a reliable companion in the quest to detect EVAP system leaks in this era? Smoke, being a hydrocarbon (an HC), is very similar to gasoline, and with that, gasoline can absorb the smoke being introduced to the system before the smoke has a chance to escape from a leak point. This can make leak detection by smoke nearly impossible at times. Even with a UV-dye additive and black light.
However, with the Digital Dual Smoke Machine from Master Cool, a very efficient and effective testing technique can make light work of even the smallest of leaks. Of course, this smoke machine still functions as such but also incorporates an on-board 12v DC powered pump with system pressure as low as 0.5 psi. This makes it very safe for EVAP system testing on virtually any OBD2 certified vehicle. The tool is also capable of up to 20 psi for testing of systems such as pressurized induction.
The Master Cool Digital Dual Smoke Machine incorporates an internal pressure transducer in parallel with the pressure circuit. The digital line graph display allows tool to indicate pressure loss over time so even the smallest of leaks are highly visible.
Want to know more, Join Motor Age Technical Editor, Brandon Steckler in this diagnostic video as he leverages the Master Cool Digital Dual Smoke Machine to demonstrate its efficiency in this episode of The Trainer!
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